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A 65 year old male with DKA with community acquired pneumonia and pre renal AKI

Hi, I am Soumyadeep Biswas a medical student . This is an E-Log, that depicts the patient centered approach for learning medicine .This E-Log has been created after taking consent from the patient and their relatives. The links that were used by me for understanding the available data on the particular disease have been mentioned below in each post . Hope you learn valuable information after giving it a good read !

A 65 year old male was brought to casualty with


Fever since 4 days

Breathlessness since 1 day


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 days back when he developed cold and cough with expectoration which is greenish and mucoid no aggravating or relieving factors. Now the expectoration has decreased. 

Then developed fever 4 days back which is insidious in onset gradually progressive high grade, continuous and not associated with chills and rigor for which they took medication from a RMP but again appeared.

Patient complained of increased urine passage since last 7days at night (4-5times)

Complaints of decreased appetite since 4days

H/o nausea since 4 days but no vomiting 

Patients complaints of dehydration since 4days

Complaints of shortness of breath since four days which was initially grade 2 which now progressed to grade 4 since last night.

No H/o decreased urine out put, pedal edema, loose stools


He is a shopkeeper by occupation according to the attender his daily routine is as follows 

6 am: takes a cup of tea with sugar 

6:30 am: he opens his shop

If he takes a breakfast it's b/w 7-7:30 am

9 am: takes a cup of tea with sugar

11 am: bathes and goes to his shop again

12:30 pm: he eats his lunch 

4:30-5:30pm: he again consumes rice

6:00 pm: takes a cup of tea w sugar 

7:30 pm: takes his dinner which consist of rice 

9 pm: he sleeps


N/K/C/O DM, HTN, TB, Epilepsy, CVA, CAD

Complaints of pain in bilateral knee joints for which he takes NSAIDS when pain increases.

H/o Surgery for right tibial fracture 5 years back


Diet : Vegetarian

Appetite : Normal before 3 days

Sleep: adequate

Bowel and bladder : Normal

Addictions : used to smoke but stopped 5 years back


Not significant


Patient conscious and coherent not co-operative

Pulse : 98bpm

RR : 21 cpm 

BP : 90/60 mm Hg

Temp. : 99°F

SpO2 : 96%

CVS : S1, S2 hear, no thrills and murmurs 

Respiratory system: On inspection:- normal shaped chest, trachea appears to be in centre, no scars and sinuses present,abdomino thoracic type of respiration, normal respiratory movements present

On palpation:- all inspectory findings are confirmed on palpation. 

On percussion:- right              left              

Infraclavicular       resonant            resonant

Mammary          dullnote.            resonant


Axillary.               resonant                  resonant 

Infraaxillary.       dullnote.                resonant

Suprascapular.       resonant.            resonant

Infrascapular.           dullnote        resonant

Upper, mid, lower.    resonant.      resonant


On auscultation:- normal vesicular breath sounds heard and decreased breath sounds in right inframammary,infra axillary,infrasacpular areas.

Dysnea, wheeze, rales and ronchi - absent

Abdomen: scaphoid shaped, soft and diffuse tenderness 


Right Handed person.


Conscious, oriented to time place and person.

speech : normal

Behavior : normal

Memory : Intact.

Intelligence : Normal

Lobar Functions : 

No hallucinations or delusions.


                          Right Left

                        UL LL. UL LL

   BULK Normal Normal Normal Normal

   TONE Normal Normal Normal Normal

   POWER 4/5, 4/5 4/5 , 4/5


                                  R. L

   CORNEAL present present       

   CONJUNCTIVAL present present

   ABDOMINAL present


                                          R L

   BICEPS 2+ 2+

   TRICEPS 2+ 2+

   SUPINATOR 2+ 2+

   KNEE. 2+. 2+


   ANKLE 2+. 2+



Crude touch




Fine touch




Two point discrimination

Tactile localisation.





? Diabetic ketoacidosis secondary to respiratory disease



1) NBM until further orders

2) IV Fluids NS @ 100ml/hr

3) Inj. PIPTAZ 2.5gm IV/TID

4) Inj. LINEZOLID 600mg IV/BD


6) Tab. FLUCONAZOLE 150 mg OD

7) Inj. HOMAN ACTRAPID INSULIN infusion @ 6units/hr

8) Inj. PCM 18g IV/SOS ( if temp. >= 101°F)

9) Inj. LASIX 20mg IV/BD ( if SPB >= 110)

10) IV Fluids - FRUSIDEX @ 50ml/hr

11) Tab. ATORUAS 40mg OD

12) Tab. CLOPITAB - A75/75 OD

13) Inj. PAN 40mg IV/OD

14) GRBS moniter hourly
15) Moniter BP, PR, RR, SPO2 Hourly

8:40 PM

1) Stop insulin infusion

2) Inj. HAI 6U in 500ml DNS over 5hrs

3) Inj. KCL 20mEq in 500 NS over 5hrs

Followed by 

4) Inj. KCL 20mEq in 500 NS over 5hrs

5) GRBS moniter hourly


1) Inj. PIPTAZ 2.25gm IV/TID

2) Inj. LINEZOLID 600mg IV/BD


4) Tab. FLUCONAZOLE 150 mg OD

5) Inj. PAN 40mg IV/OD

6) Inj. PCM 1g IV/SOS ( if temp. >= 101°F)

7) Inj. LASIX 20mg IV/BD ( if SPB >= 110)

8) Inj. HOMAN ACTRAPID INSULIN infusion S/L TID according to GRBS

9) Tab. ATORUAS 40mg OD

10) Tab. CLOPITAB - A75/75 OD

11) GRBS moniter 2 hourly

12) Moniter BP, PR, RR, SPO2 2 Hourly

13) Nebulization with IPRAVENT 8th hourly and BUDECORT 12th hourly

14) Inj. KCL 20mEq in 500 NS over 5hrs

15) Tab. FENOFIBRATE 160mg OD

16) Tab. METOPROLOL 25mg OD

17) IV fluid DNS with 6u HAI + 20mEq KCl at 100ml/hr


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